It's about that time again...time to go home. The album was shared by Andrew Kenny of the American Analog Set and Ben Gibbard of Death Cab, Postal Servce, All-Time Quarterback, etc. I only have the Gibbard tracks because I personally like these better. All four tracks are very simple acoustic songs. The last song "Choir Vandals" is a cover of an American Analog Set song and Kenny did the same with a Death Cab song, "Title Track." I love all four songs equally. Again, this exemplifies Gibbard's ability to do whatever he wants when it comes to music.
Ben Gibbard - Home Volume 4
please, keep posting ben gibbard and also death cab!!
are the death cab covers available? im curious what theyd sound like by another artist.
We do have a few death cab covers, we'll try and post them as soon as we can.
andrew kenny covers "line of best fit" not "title track" whatever that is. Maybe if you actually bought the cd you'd know this.