Since I'm from Michigan, I feel it necessary (since there's going to be that huge Illinoise B-side CD coming out) that I provide you with some of Michigan's B-sides. Michigan was the first Sufjan CD that I heard. Ironically, I bought it in Chicago. Funny how it works out like that...but anyway, Sufjan really does capture the essence of Michigan in the CD. When I came home again I listened to it while driving around my hometown, I felt like he was really accurate. If you have ever been to Michigan you know what I mean. Here are some of the tracks that didn't make the final cut. All of these tracks are highly recommended.
Sufjan Stevens - Wolverine
Sufjan Stevens - Pickerel Lake
Sufjan Stevens - Marching Band
Sufjan Stevens - Niagra Falls
Sufjan Stevens - Presidents and Magistrates
Buy the Michigan CD
i really enjoy sufjan
thank you for this post!
I enjoy him too, I enjoy him so much I want everyone to listen to as much as they can