Feist at the NPR World Cafe (EP Installment #2)

After seeing Feist at Lollapalooza this summer, I am positive that she has one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard. If you haven't heard Feist before (other than Mushaboom), I urge you to take some time and get to know her work. Her flawless vocal control as well as her other amazing musical abilities make her one of the most admired female artists in the "indie" scene today. There's just something about those Canadians...

This particular set is simple yet amazingly effective. The dialog gives a lot of insight to Feist and her musical process. Also, get lost in her voice... please.

Feist - NPR World Cafe (July 1, 2005) - Full Zip File

or Download the Individual Zip Files
Buy Feist's Music: Amazon | iTunes
Be Her Friend: Myspace

**ALSO: If anyone has a boot of the Lollapalooza show or at least her totally awesome loop/layer song, I would love to hear it. ( brownpower@gmail.com ) Thanks to all of you!

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