Somg of the Day - 9/5/06

Sorry to be sporatic and short lately, but school is just getting under way... give me a second. This song today is off of what is sure to be "indie-tastic," the follow up to the Garden State soundtrack is the OST for Mr. Braff's newest film, The Last Kiss.

Joshua Radin and Schuyler Fisk (From Snow Day! Do you remember that movie?) sing an amazing song entitled "Paperweight." This song not only has a melody and hook that get stuck in your head incessantly, but it also gives me faith in the new generation of singer-songwriters. This song is really good. Good vocal work. Good instrumentation. Good harmony. Good Subject Matter. I recommend it.

Joshua Radin and Schuyler Fisk - "Paperweight" from The Last Kiss OST.

Buy it now!

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