Song of the Day - 4/22/06

RJD2's music is a collage of cut-and-paste hip-hop that combines disparate elements to make for soulful, moody portraits of the world. Born in Eugene, OR, on May 27, 1976, he moved to Columbus, OH, a few years later and was raised there. He first busted out onto the hip-hop scene in 1998 -- a time when producers were emerging from the shadows to seize the spotlight -- as the DJ/producer for the Columbus-based group Megahertz. MHz had two 12" singles released on Bobbito Garcia's Fondle 'Em Records and the group was mentioned in Vibe Magazine's "History of Hip Hop." - Charles Spanow

It's a chill Saturday and we're all just waiting to get over with school and let loose. "Ghostwriter" by RJD2 is awesome. In the vain of remix beat artists such as Thievery Corporation and Fila Brazilia, RJD2 comes up with a great beat with solid progression and masterful layering. Enjoy this song and welcome the vibes.

RJD2 - "Ghostwriter"

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