For anyone who happens to be waiting for The Roundup... it's gonna be a good one--> THE BIGGEST ONE EVER! So just keep your pants on.
E-mail us at requests[dot]justpretend[at]gmail[dot[com. We will try our best to take any requests. Also, don't be afraid to leave us comments (it makes us happy). If you or a band you know wishes to be featured, just shoot us an email too.
- Song of the Day - 4/19/06
- Sounds Like Fall - "Early Recordings"
- [Req] Teddy Gieger - "Underage Thinking"
- Nada Surf - "The Weight is a Gift"
- Kweller & Kweli
- Song of the Day - 4/18/06
- Dexter Freebish - "A Life of Saturdays"
- Song of the Day - 4/17/06
- Song of the Day Recap Mix: Volume 2
- Backbeat, the word is on the street...
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