Rainer Maria FREE at Boston University TONIGHT!

Look at me! Look at me! I'm the last person to ever tell you about Rainer Maria! Here I am, about four months after the curve...

Anyways... there's a free show at the George Sherman Union today for Rainer Maria at 8:30 pm. I don't know if it's limited to students only, but I've been to a few (Ben Lee, Matt Pond PA and so on) last year and it was excellent. Try to do what you can...

If I managed to introduce you to Rainer Maria just now... it's ok. They play on Polyvynil (ooooo!) Here are some tracks. Their new album Catastrophe Keeps Us Together is out now.

MP3: Rainer Maria - "Catastrophe" (recommended)
MP3: Rainer Maria - "Ears Ring"
MP3: Rainer Maria - "Keep It With Mine" (Bob Dylan Cover!)
MP3: Rainer Maria - "Breakfast of Champions"

Buy their stuff: Amazon | iTunes
Visit their website: RainerMaria.com | MySpace

2 Responses to “Rainer Maria FREE at Boston University TONIGHT!”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    ooo ive never heard keep it with mine. akhil i heart you and your blog
    - amy  

  2. # Blogger brownpower

    You've revealed my name... now I will kill you.  

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