Download the Ben Folds on MySpace MP3!
1 Comments Published by brownpower on 10.24.2006 at 11:56 PM.
Did you see tonight's amazing Ben Folds performance on MySpace? Were you just like me, struggling to get that thing to play on your Mac? Sorry with all the questions lately... but do not worry, the great folks over at The Suburbs have done the work and brought you the audio... and it's a GREAT recording!
Throughout the show, Folds was on his computer playing requests ONLY via instant message. This novel idea led to fun for the whole crowd, but the innovation didn't end there. Although he was playing with his band (Folds + drums and bass), he couldn't help bringing in about 40 guys to play in the "Nashville Guitarchestra." Folds took the show to the next level. He also got the rest of the crowd to play their ringtones to add even more ambiance to certain parts of the show. As if that wasn't enough, Folds didn't just play the piano, but also a range of synths that sounded great.
Folds continued to have surprises throughout the live webcast such as a (possibly planned) "drunk guy" falling from the balcony... yeah, I said it. The whole crowd gasped and Folds stopped playing the song ("Jesusland"). The screen went to broadcast colors for a few seconds and then returned to show Folds jumping right back into the song just where he left off, without hesitation. Some say hoax, here's possible proof. I'm pretty sure it was, just listen to the recording...
Folds played new stuff, old stuff, Dr. Dre and Postal Service covers and his signature improv jams. He even brought out a man who looked like Hitler in a dress, aptly named Titler, to play a Johnny Cash cover (I kid you not). As if things couldn't get any more ridiculous, there is a possibility that Ben Folds committed suicide at the end of the show by jumping off the balcony as well... (still not joking) the feed went dead.
I really hope y'all take the time to listen to it. Ben Folds is really awesome. No video as of now, but we should see this as a DVD in the future, so stay tuned.
Here's the setlist courtesy
1) Random Jam
2) Always Someone Cooler Than You (feat. Nashville Guitarchestra*)
3) Learn To Live With What You Are
4) Kate
5) 20 Flight Rock Improv
6) Bastard
7) Jesusland [lifeless jackass in red shirt falls to the floor, band stops, signal cuts in and out, ben plays ringtone from Boondocks]
8) All You Can Eat
9) Cross The Line (Walk The Line, Cash cover by 'Titler**)
10) Such Great Heights (Postal Service cover feat. ringtone orchestra and Nashville Guitarchestra)
11) Army
12) Bitches Ain't Shit (Dr. Dre cover feat. ringtone orchestra and Nashville Guitarchestra)
*Random fans who met with Ben earlier in the day w/ their guitars
**A mysterious balding guy with fake Hitler mustache and women's dress.
Sorry it's just one file, but listening to this HIGH QUALITY MP3 any other way would be a shame... great show! I've provided deeplinks, SendSpace and Yousendit links, because EZArchive is almost always THE DEVIL.
MP3: Ben Folds - "MySpace Live!" (1:01:27 | 70 MB) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Sendspace: Ben Folds - "MySpace Live!"
YouSendIt: Ben Folds - "MySpace Live!"
Just so you can see SOME video of Folds, here's Ben's only great video. He did this video with his wife for a song about his son.
Ben Folds - "Still Fighting It"
Throughout the show, Folds was on his computer playing requests ONLY via instant message. This novel idea led to fun for the whole crowd, but the innovation didn't end there. Although he was playing with his band (Folds + drums and bass), he couldn't help bringing in about 40 guys to play in the "Nashville Guitarchestra." Folds took the show to the next level. He also got the rest of the crowd to play their ringtones to add even more ambiance to certain parts of the show. As if that wasn't enough, Folds didn't just play the piano, but also a range of synths that sounded great.
Folds continued to have surprises throughout the live webcast such as a (possibly planned) "drunk guy" falling from the balcony... yeah, I said it. The whole crowd gasped and Folds stopped playing the song ("Jesusland"). The screen went to broadcast colors for a few seconds and then returned to show Folds jumping right back into the song just where he left off, without hesitation. Some say hoax, here's possible proof. I'm pretty sure it was, just listen to the recording...
Folds played new stuff, old stuff, Dr. Dre and Postal Service covers and his signature improv jams. He even brought out a man who looked like Hitler in a dress, aptly named Titler, to play a Johnny Cash cover (I kid you not). As if things couldn't get any more ridiculous, there is a possibility that Ben Folds committed suicide at the end of the show by jumping off the balcony as well... (still not joking) the feed went dead.
I really hope y'all take the time to listen to it. Ben Folds is really awesome. No video as of now, but we should see this as a DVD in the future, so stay tuned.
Here's the setlist courtesy
1) Random Jam
2) Always Someone Cooler Than You (feat. Nashville Guitarchestra*)
3) Learn To Live With What You Are
4) Kate
5) 20 Flight Rock Improv
6) Bastard
7) Jesusland [lifeless jackass in red shirt falls to the floor, band stops, signal cuts in and out, ben plays ringtone from Boondocks]
8) All You Can Eat
9) Cross The Line (Walk The Line, Cash cover by 'Titler**)
10) Such Great Heights (Postal Service cover feat. ringtone orchestra and Nashville Guitarchestra)
11) Army
12) Bitches Ain't Shit (Dr. Dre cover feat. ringtone orchestra and Nashville Guitarchestra)
*Random fans who met with Ben earlier in the day w/ their guitars
**A mysterious balding guy with fake Hitler mustache and women's dress.
Sorry it's just one file, but listening to this HIGH QUALITY MP3 any other way would be a shame... great show! I've provided deeplinks, SendSpace and Yousendit links, because EZArchive is almost always THE DEVIL.
MP3: Ben Folds - "MySpace Live!" (1:01:27 | 70 MB) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Sendspace: Ben Folds - "MySpace Live!"
YouSendIt: Ben Folds - "MySpace Live!"
Just so you can see SOME video of Folds, here's Ben's only great video. He did this video with his wife for a song about his son.
Ben Folds - "Still Fighting It"
Damn, the mp3s seem to be expired!